Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Six most addictive google games

Toogle Search - Bill Gates - When you make a search on Toogle, it fetches the first images from Google images search and converts the picture into a colored ascii file made of only the search terms.

Google Mirror - elgoog - This site is like a mirror reflection of Google. All the text is displayed in the reverse order and inclined to the right of the page just like Arabic language. Remember that the queries are also to written in the backward direction [live example]

Gwigle - What Am I Googling? - A very addictive game where you are shown the Google search results page and you then have to reverse guess the search query. The game has various levels and can keep you busy for a long time. The accompanying tips will help you become a better googler. [Thanks, Ionut]

Guess The Google - At the start of this Google game, a grid of 20 image thumbnails would appear each of would match one search keyword. You get 20 seconds to guess the search keyword but you can make as many number of guess as you want during that time.

Googlewhack - A Googlewhack is a Google search query consisting of two words - both in the dictionary, and without quotation marks - that returns a single result. The search will list 'Results 1-1 of 1'. Googlewhacking is the pastime activity of finding such a result. A person attempting to find Googlewhacks is known as a Googlewhacker. [Whack Stack]

World War on Google Maps - Online players (2-25) randomly receive a set of countries with troop hitpoints based on real world population data. To play: attack neutral and enemy countries in an effort to try to take over the world. You have a 20% chance of receiving more troops when you overtake an enemy country. [via Slashdot]

Google Maps Flight Simulator - Nothing so advanced as the Microsoft Flight simulator, but this Googel computer game lets you fly a small farmer plane over any landscape created from a compilation of Google Maps images. You can use the keyboard arrow keys to change the flying directions, bank and dive. Space lets you fire while A/Z are for varying the flying speed.

Guess the Place - You are shown a picture and need to find out which country, state or city is being shown by looking at parts of Google Maps, or Flickr images of the place. [Philipp Lenssen]

Monday, February 26, 2007

Most of the new features in Mozilla's Firefox 2.0 aren't readily apparent, even to a seasoned Firefox aficionado. Once a user digs a little deeper, however, the new tools and capabilities become more obvious. Phishing protection automatically investigates suspect e-mail, an enhanced search tool suggests additional terms and Session Restore can save the user after a crash.

Browser usage numbers for 2006 are beginning to appear on the Web, and for the first time in many moons the market share of microsoft's (Nasdaq: MSFT) dominant offering, internet exolorer, has dipped below 80 percent.

While Internet Explorer's star was sinking, its chief competitor's, mozilla firefox, was ascending. Its market share climbed from 9.50 percent in January 2006 to 14 percent in December -- just about the time version 2.0 of the browser was released.

When I upgraded from the old version of Firefox, I barely noticed the difference between the two releases. However, after using the new version for several weeks, the usefulness of its new features executed with such elegant subtlety became apparent to me.

Phishing Protection

The value of one of the new features -- phishing protection -- was particularly noticeable during the holiday season, when phishers were out in full force.

Phishing attacks involve the mass distribution of "spoofed" e-mail messages, complete with return addresses, links and branding. The fraudulent e-mails appear to come from banks, insurance agencies, retailers or credit card companies. They are designed to fool you into divulging personal data such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers and passwords, social security numbers and other personal information.

Firefox's phishing protection feature is turned on by default. When you access a site, it automatically checks the URL against a data base of known phishing sucker traps.

Enhanced Search

Another nice addition to the program is its enhanced search capabilities. As you type a term in the program's built-in search box, the browser automatically suggests related search terms for you.

For example, when I typed in the search term "Dr. Who," a drop down window appeared with suggestions for other search terms, including: Dr. Who BBC, Dr. Who series, Dr. Who episode guide, Dr. Who theme, Dr. Who DVD, Dr. Who scarf, Dr. Who Ice Warriors, Dr. Who trailer, and Dr. Who Leela.

Although Firefox didn't invent tabbed browsing, it remains one of the program's outstanding features. In this latest version of the application, Firefox's tabs have been tweaked in a couple of useful ways.

By default, the browser will automatically opened new links as new tabs, not as new windows. Why this wasn't the default in the first place has always puzzled me. After all, why use a tabbed browser if you're not interested in opening links in tabs?

In addition, closing tabs has been made more convenient by the inclusion of a close-tab button on each tab.

More RSS Options

A "session restore" feature has been added to the application. It's automatically activated when you update the browser or add an extension to it. If the program is open when your system crashes, the next time you launch Firefox the restore feature will reconstruct your browser session as it was before your computer failed.

This new version of Firefox also offers several ways to handle RSS (real simple syndication) feeds -- a way for users to pull information from Web sites and blogs on the Internet.

When you display a Web page for subscribing to an RSS feed, Firefox will offer you the option of subscribing to the feed through a standalone reader, a Web service or a "Live Bookmark."

Power Without Flash

Live Bookmarks let you see feed headlines simply by clicking on a bookmark. Headlines are automatically updated within the bookmark by the browser.

A Web service allows you to see your RSS feeds from any Internet connection. mozilla provides three web services in Firefox: my yahoo, bloglines and google reader.

To go along with Live Bookmarks, Firefox also supports Live Titles. Just as a Live Bookmark will automatically update an RSS feed, Live Titles automatically update the labels of bookmarks. Live Titles allow webmasters to dynamically change information contained in bookmarks about their site.

If you've been using version 1.5 of Firefox, this latest incarnation of the program won't blow you away, but you will be impressed by its understated yet powerful improvements.

If you've not been a Firefox user, this latest edition of the application will give you even more reasons to use it.

so download it from below given link

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Learn the art of writing applications"This Kid will go far…"

This is an actual job application that a 17-year-old boy submitted at a McDonald's restaurant in Florida ; and they hired him because he was so honest and funny!
NAME: Greg Bulmash.
SEX: Not yet. Still waiting for the right person.
DESIRED POSITION: Company's President or Vice President. But seriously, whatever's available. If I was in a position to be picky, I wouldn't be applying here in the first place.
DESIRED SALARY: $185,000 a year plus stock options and a Michael Ovitz style severance package. If that's not possible, make an offer and we can haggle.
LAST POSITION HELD: Target for middle management hostility.
SALARY: Less than I'm worth.
MOST NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT: My incredible collection of stolen pens and 'post-it' notes.
AVAILABLE FOR WORK: Of course. That's why I'm applying.
PREFERRED HOURS: 1:30 – 3:30pm., Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL SKILLS?: Yes, but they're better suited to a more intimate environment.
MAY WE CONTACT YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER?: If I had one, would I be here?
DO YOU HAVE A CAR?: I think the appropriate question here would be "Do you have a car that runs?"
HAVE YOU RECEIVED ANY SPECIAL AWARDS OR RECOGNITION?: I may already be the winner of the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes.
DO YOU SMOKE?: On the job, no, on my breaks, yes.
WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE DOING IN FIVE YEARS?: Living in the Bahamas with a fabulously wealthy dumb blond supermodel who thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread. Actually, I'd like to be doing that now.
SIGN HERE: Scorpio.

Monday, February 19, 2007


2DAY -today
2MORO -tomorrow
2NITE -to night
AAM -as a matter of fact
AB -ah bless!
ADctd2Luv -addicted to love
AFAIC -as far as i know
AKA -also known as
ALIWanIsU - all i want is you
ALOrO -all or nothing
AML -as soon as possilbe
ATB -all the best
B4 -before
BaBitsU -baby it's you
BBFN -bye bye for now
BBSD -be back soon darling
BCNU -be seeing you
BdBy -bad boy
BF -boy friend
BFN -bye for now
BGWM -be gentle with me (please)
BRB -be right back
BTW -by the way
BYKT -but you knew that
Cld9? -cloud 9?
CMIIW -correct me if i'm wrong
CSThnknAU -can't stop thinking about you
CU -see you
CUIMD -see you in my dreams
CUL8R -see you later
CYA -see ya
D8 -date
DLTBBB -don't let the bed bugs bit
4EVRYRS -for ever yours
EOL -end of lecture
F2T -free to talk
FITB -fill in the blank
FWIW -for what it's worth
FYEO -for your eyes only
FYI -for your information
GAO -glad all over
GF -girl friend
GG -good game
GMeSumLuvin -gimme some lovin'
GMTA -great minda think alike
Gr8 -great
GrOvyBab -groovy baby
GrwOldWivMe -grow old with me
GSOH -good salary, own home
GSOH -good sense of humour
GTSY -glad to see you
H8 -hate

LOL -laugh out loud
LMAO -laughing my ass off
LstinU -lost in you
LTNC -long time no see
LtsGt2gthr -let's get together
LuvU -love you
Luv2LuvUBab -love to love you baby
LuvisTDrug -love is the drug
LuvMeLuvMyDog -love me, love my dog
M$ULkeCraZ -miss you like crazy
MBURBMJ -my but you're beautiful Miss Jones
MGB -may god bless
MkeMyDaSa+! -make my day, say yes
MMDP -make my day punk!
Mob -mobile
MYOB -mind your own business
NE -any
NE1 -anyone
NO1 -no-one
MO -moment
OIC -oh, I see
OTOH -on the other hand
PCM -please call me
PLS -please
PPL -people
QT -cutie
R -are
ResQMe -rescue me
RMB -ring my bell
RmbaYaMne -remember you're mine
ROTFL -roll on the floor laughing
RU? -are you?
RUOK? -are you okay (ok)
Salt&ILDoIT -say it & I'll do it
SETE -Smiling ear to ear
SIT -stay in touch
SITD -still in the dark
SO -significant other
SOH -sense of humour
SOHF -sense of humour failure
SOME1 -someone
SRy -sorry
StckOnU -stuck on you
StndByYaMan -stand by your man
SvnALMyLuv4U -saving all my love for you
SWALK -sent with a loving kiss
SWG -scientific wild guess
SYS -see you soon
2Hot2Hndle -to hot to handle
TDTU -totally devoted to you
THNQ -thank you
Thx -thanks

HAGN -have a good night
HAND -have a nice day
HITULThtILuvU? -have i told you lately that i love you?
HidMeClse -hold me close
Hot4U -hot for you
HTH -hope this helps
H&K -hug and kiss
IAC -in any case
ICLWYLuv -I can't live without your love
IDK -I don't know
IDntDsrveU -I don't deserve you
IGotUBbe -I got you babe
IIRC -if I recall correctly
IJC2SalLuvU -I just called to say I love you
ILUVU -I love you
IMBLuv -it must be love
IMHO -in my humble opinion
IMNSHO -in my not so humble opinion
ImRdy4Luv -I'm ready for love
ImT14U -I'm the one for you
IOW -in other words
IOWAN2BWU -I only want to be with you
IYKWIN -If you know what i mean
IYSS -if you say so
JM2p -just my two pennyworth
JstCLMe -just call me
KIT -keep in touch
KOTC -kiss on the cheek
KOTL -kiss on the lips
LETA -letter
Ti2GO -time to go
TIC -tongue in cheek :-p
TkeAChnceOnMe? -take a chance on me?
TLMeImDrmn -tell me I'm dreaming
TMIY -take me I'm yours
TPTB -the powers that be
TTFN -ta ta for now
TTYL8R -talk to you later
TWIMC -to whom it may concern
U -you
UCnDoMgic -you can do magic
UdoSumthn2Me -you do something to me
UR -you are
U+Me=Luv -you + me = love
WAN2 -want to
WAN2TLK? -want to talk
WenCnICUAgn? -when can I see you again?
WER R U? -where are you?
WLUMRyMe? -will you marry me?
WRT -with respect to
WTTW -word to the wise
WUWH -wish you were here
X -kiss
XLNT -excellent
Xoxoxoxo -hugs and kisses
Xclusvly Yas -exclusively yours
Y? -why?
YBS -you'll be sorry
L8 -late
L8R -later

Friday, February 09, 2007

Windows Vista is finally here

Microsoft's new operating system, Windows Vista has finally been launched globally across 70 countries. This has been accompanied by the IT giant's much awaited 2007 Office System. Though in India the operating system was formally launched in Mumbai on Tuesday, it is already available at the 1500 Microsoft resellers in the country.

Codenamed Longhorn, Vista will be available in four consumer editions and has a host of new interactive features that include a redesigned user interface and visual style, named Windows Aero, an acronym for Authentic, Energetic, Reflective, and Open. Windows Vista will phase out the Windows XP operating system, which has been the operating system of choice for more than five years.

According to Microsoft, the operating system has made remarkable changes in terms of search, security, connectivity and ease of usage. Some of the most significant features included in Windows Vista include an updated graphical user interface and visual style, improved searching features, new multimedia creation tools such as Windows DVD Maker, and completely redesigned networking, audio, print, and display sub-systems.

Vista also aims to increase the level of communication between machines on a home network using peer-to-peer technology, making it easier to share files and digital media between computers and devices. For developers, Vista introduces version 3.0 of the .NET Framework, which aims to make it significantly easier for developers to write high-quality applications than with the traditional Windows API.

The genuine Windows Vista Loaded PCs in India will retail at a starting price of Rs 22,000 while Microsoft 2007 Office consumer edition starts at Rs 6,000. The four editions of Windows Vista that will retails across the globe are Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Home Basic and Windows Vista Starter. The Microsoft 2007 Office is available in two editions of Office Home and Student 2007 and Office Basic 2007.

Microsoft expects to reach 18 million customers in the next 30 days of the launch. Company sources in Mumbai said that it had already sold nearly nine lakh licenced editions to corporates. Vista is also available for download from Microsoft's website.

Microsoft's primary stated objective in developing Windows Vista has been company CEO Bill Gates' concern for security. One of the most common criticism of Windows XP and other version of Windows has been its susceptibility to hacking and vulnerability to malware, viruses and buffer overflows. Vista incorporates a number of Digital Rights Management technologies aimed at restricting the copying of protected digital media, and the usability of new features such as User Account Control.

To run Vista a computer will need to have a 800 MHZ processor and 512 MB RAM, besides 15 GB free hard disk space and a CD /DVD Rom.

Pros: Good for graphic intensive applications.

Very high on security.

Multiple applications.

Integrated resources for multimedia applications.

User friendly.

Built in speech recognition

Cons: Requires high end hardware equipment.

Memory hungry.

High initial procurement cost.

Overkill for simple data entry operations.

Glitches are likely to surface from time to time.

Current hardware may not support Vista.

New features / Changes in Vista

· Windows Aero: a new hardware-based graphical user interface to make Vista aesthetically pleasing

· Windows Shell: Different from Windows XP, it offers a new range of organization, navigation, and search capabilities.

· Windows Explorer: Its task pane has been removed, integrating the relevant task options into the toolbar.

· Instant Search: Search as you type is significantly faster.

· User Account Control is perhaps the most significant and visible of these changes. User Account Control is a security technology that makes it possible for users to use their computer with fewer privileges by default.

· BitLocker Drive Encryption, a data protection feature included in the Enterprise and Ultimate editions of Vista that provides encryption for the entire operating system volume.

· Windows Sidebar: A transparent panel anchored to the side of the screen where a user can place Desktop Gadgets, which are small applets designed for a specialised purpose (such as displaying the weather or sports scores).

· Integrated Explorer 7: It has new user interface, tabbed browsing, RSS, a search box, improved printing, Page Zoom, Quick Tabs.

· Windows Media Player 11, a major revamp of Microsoft's programme for playing and organising music and video. Has ability to share music libraries over a network with other Vista machines, Xbox 360 integration, and support for other Media Center Extenders.

· Backup and Restore Center: Allows scheduled periodic backups of files. It also features CompletePC Backup (available only to Ultimate, Business, and Enterprise versions).

· Windows Mail: A replacement for Outlook Express that includes a completely replaced mail store that improves stability, and enables real-time search. Windows Calendar is a new calendar and task application.

· Windows Photo Gallery: WPG can import from digital cameras, tag and rate individual items, adjust colors and exposure, create and display slideshows (with pan and fade effects), and burn slideshows to DVD.

· Windows DVD Maker, a companion program to Windows Movie Maker, which provides the ability to create video DVDs based on a user's content.

· Windows Meeting Space is the replacement for NetMeeting.

· Windows Media Center, which was previously exclusively bundled as a separate version of Windows XP, known as Windows XP Media Center Edition, will be incorporated into the Home Premium and Ultimate editions of Windows Vista.

· Windows Mobility Center is a new control panel that centralises the most relevant information related to mobile computing.

· Parental controls: Allows administrators to control which websites, programs, and games each standard user can use and install.

· Windows SideShow: Enables the auxiliary displays on newer laptops or on supported Windows Mobile devices.
Speech recognition is fully integrated into Vista.